Control Elements Secondary Structures of HIV-1 genome

General information on HIV-1 isolate

# 810
Accession number AB254147
Name p02ZM114C72
Sampling year 2002

AB254147 isolate has foldings of [DIS region] [PBS region] [Core poly(A) site] [123nt 3' terminus] [USE domain, TAR, polyA] [USE region] [227nt 3' terminus] [Complete poly(A) region] [USE, TAR, polyA] .

The region encompassing DIS SD and Psi hairpins

The primary sequence:

ggactcggct tgctgaagtg cactcggcaa gaggcgagag -cggcggctgg tgagtacgcc aaattttatt tgactagcgg aggctagaag gagaga

Isolates with identical sequences of region:

AB254143(#806) AB254144(#807) AB254145(#808) AB254150(#813) AB254151(#814) AB254152(#815) AB254153(#816) AB254154(#817) AF110962(#128) AF110963(#129) AF110964(#130) AF110965(#131) AF110966(#132) AF110975(#141) AF286224(#97) AF443091(#189) AF443100(#198) AM076844(#1544) AM076845(#1545) AM076848(#1548) AM076849(#1549) AM076850(#1551) AY463231(#329) AY585268(#348) AY772696(#409) AY838567(#425) AY878055(#513) AY878056(#514) AY878065(#523) DQ093603(#507) DQ164109(#546) DQ164113(#550) DQ275657(#1235) DQ275659(#1237) DQ351217(#616) DQ351218(#617) DQ351236(#635) DQ369980(#646) DQ369982(#648) DQ445632(#679) EU293447(#1207) FJ496208(#2667) FJ496209(#2668) FJ496210(#2669) FJ496211(#2670) FJ496212(#2671) FJ496213(#2672) FJ496214(#2673)

The optimal secondary structure:

The suboptimal structures within ΔΔG ≤ 4 kcal/mole of the minimum free energy