Control Elements Secondary Structures of HIV-1 genome

General information on HIV-1 isolate

# 3848
Accession number HH978650
Name HXB2_patent
Submitted to NCBI 2006

HH978650 isolate has foldings of [DIS region] [PBS region] [Core poly(A) site] [123nt 3' terminus] [USE domain, TAR, polyA] [USE region] [227nt 3' terminus] [Complete poly(A) region] [USE, TAR, polyA] .

The region encompassing PBS domain

The primary sequence:

tgttgtgtga ctctggtaac tagagatccc tcagaccctt ttagtcagtg tggaaaatct ctagcagtgg cgcccgaaca gggacctgaa agcgaaaggg aaaccagagg agctctctcg acgcaggac

Isolates with identical sequences of region:

AF033819(#1391) AX316202(#1083) AX419821(#1535) AX772015(#1086) BD410064(#1089) DL260745(#1670) FB341548(#1902) FB707281(#1903) HI553377(#3879) K03455(#1182) L28872(#2440) L28877(#2445) NC_001802(#0) U12055(#11) U80515(#2534)

The optimal secondary structure:

The suboptimal structures within ΔΔG ≤ 4 kcal/mole of the minimum free energy