Control Elements Secondary Structures of HIV-1 genome

General information on HIV-1 isolate

# 2324
Accession number FJ614892
Name 00LKD9_4070
CountrySouth Korea (Ghana)
Sampling year 2000

FJ614892 isolate has foldings of [DIS region] [PBS region] .

The region encompassing DIS SD and Psi hairpins

The primary sequence:

gggactcggc ttgctgaggt gcacacagca agaggcgaga g-cggcgactg gtgagtacgc caaa--ttttga ctagcggagg ctagaaggag aga

Isolates with identical sequences of region:

AB485635(#2738) AF063224(#25) EF370355(#1790) EF370356(#1791) EU786671(#1184) FJ614887(#1911) FJ614889(#2321) FJ614890(#2322) FJ614896(#2327) FJ614897(#2328) FJ614898(#2329) FJ614899(#2330) FJ614912(#2335) FJ614913(#2336) FJ614914(#2337) FJ614918(#2340) FJ614920(#2342) FJ614926(#2343) FJ614927(#2344) FJ614930(#2347) FJ614931(#2348) FJ614932(#2349) FJ614933(#2350) FJ614935(#2352) FJ614940(#2357) FJ614942(#2359) FJ614943(#2360) FJ614944(#2361) FJ614945(#2362) FJ614946(#2363) FJ614947(#2364) FJ614948(#2365) FJ614951(#2370) FJ614966(#2388) FJ614968(#2389)

The optimal secondary structure:

The suboptimal structures within ΔΔG ≤ 4 kcal/mole of the minimum free energy