Control Elements Secondary Structures of HIV-1 genome

General information on HIV-1 isolate

# 2487
Accession number S69386
Name S69386
Submitted to NCBI 1994

S69386 isolate has foldings of [DIS region] [PBS region] [Core poly(A) site] [123nt 3' terminus] .

The region encompassing DIS SD and Psi hairpins

The primary sequence:

ggactcggct tgctgaagcg cgcacggcaa gaggcgaggg gaggcgactg gtgagtacgc caaaaatttt gactagcgga ggctagaagg agaga

Isolates with identical sequences of region:

A04321(#1102) A07867(#1105) D86068(#1094) K02013(#19) L31963(#2368)

The optimal secondary structure:

The suboptimal structures within ΔΔG ≤ 4 kcal/mole of the minimum free energy