Control Elements Secondary Structures of HIV-1 genome

General information on HIV-1 isolate

# 3203
Accession number GQ324959
Name SJGddd
SubtypeGroup N
Sampling year 2002

GQ324959 isolate has foldings of [DIS region] [PBS region] .

The region encompassing PBS domain

The primary sequence:

cattcggtaa ctctggtacc tagagatccc tcagaccact t-agcttgagt g-aaaatctct agcagtggcg cccgaacagg gactcgaaag cgaaagtaga accggaggct gaatctctcg acgcaggac

The optimal secondary structure:

The suboptimal structures within ΔΔG ≤ 4 kcal/mole of the minimum free energy